Dating someone with trust issues

Dating > Dating someone with trust issues

It's one of the major tenants of any healthy relationship. It issuee makes things more complicated. On the other hand, gaining someone's trust when they aren't sure they want to give it is a lot of work. Only you can decide if it's worth sith and it dating someone with trust issues be worth it. There are a few things you need to keep in mind before you jump onto the trust-fixer express. Most importantly, you need to know going in that the work of overcoming trust dating someone with trust issues is your partner's job, not yours. So the following suggestions are meant for you. You also need to keep in mind that this is a long potentially life-long process that will have its ups and downs. You'll need to have your own support system on deck. Be A Supporter, Not A Fixer You can't fix your partner's trust issues, no matter how much you want to. It's impossible and it's not your job. What you need to focus on instead is being part of a. Leave the fixing to your partner and a good therapist. Therapy will give your partner techniques to and to differentiate bad things that happened in the past from good things happening now. It will also provide tools and coping strategies for when fears and doubts pop up in your relationship. Be Trustworthyand hard-earned in this case. Since you can't fix your partner, this is something you can actively work on that will improve your relationship. Be dependable, be reliable, be honest and be kind. Little things like being on time and calling when you say you'll call may seem small to you, but they may be huge to your partner. Trust isn't just built on big issues, like staying faithful. It's also all the little things you do each day to show you care. Be Patient There are and then there's straight-up abuse. It's one thing for your partner to be worried that you'll leave and break his or her heart. It's quite another to monitor your phone calls, tell you who you can't hang out with and constantly accuse you of cheating. If lead to she or he trying to have power and control over you, you have a much larger issue on your hands — one that's often best resolved by leaving. You should never put your own datibg happiness and safety at risk as you help someone through a trrust period in their lives, no matter how much you love them. Your goal is to get to a place of equal footing, not set yourself up as an emotional babysitter or a doormat.

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