Dating site id verification

Dating > Dating site id verification

The following is taken from numerous conversations with Dave in recent months and the tru. The idea of verification on dating sites has been met with much trepidation by the community however there is an outcry from users for some sort of verification product that is not going to overwhelm or scare people from using verifiation />The solution takes away the notion of scary background checks and should be thought of as a profile enhancer, a way for the user to make themselves stand out among sitw sea of others. You have to think social and work your way back to dating. Of course verificatjon two use-cases are different. They sure do know. The sitee site is able to choose what information they want dtaing validate, while keeping the users name anonymous. But this is only the beginning. Just considering Facebook credits as a virtual currency and tie that into the requirements for identity verification, I digress but holy dting that is going to make PayPal look like your local cooperative bank. Dating sites, games, social networks, all these have some sort of reputation-based features. Getting your identity verified is the initial step that opens dating site id verification a whole world of possibility. But everyone focuses on the background check or the identity verification process itself like its a set-it-and-forget-it situation. I say give them away, the money is in the follow-on services. As a profile enhancerthe Tru. The company is in the business of building the pipeline for online verified communication, across multiple industries. They have a product and want you to give i site users a product that is both compelling and trustworthy, one that enhances your brand image and is able to make you money. Step one: get them verified. Step two: embed credential-based search filtering. Step three: monetize the credential. This is where the product development and marketing teams should be salivating. Not as much data as from Facebook Connect, but how long do you think until Tru. Dating sites will ignore all of this their peril. Things are changing fast and consumers are getting savvier faster than you are evolving. Identity verification is exciting stuff: people want it, it makes companies money, and it leads to bigger and better things all around, including safer dating. Hoping that is dating site id verification the verificatiln />Read for more information.

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